Friday, April 07, 2006

So Tired...

If I kill my cat in my sleep, I can't be held responsible, right?

(no, I didn't kill my cat in my sleep or when I was awake, just tempted to a few times between 2 and 4 am)

So, when the utilities raised their rates this winter, I thought I'd be clever and attempt to save a few dollars. It actually worked really well. I cleaned up the room, shut the vents and closed off the master bedroom of my apartment and moved into my recently redecorated guest room with a space heater. I don't think my furnace kicked in all winter and my apartment never really dropped below 70 degrees. Saved what would have been a fortune in heating bills. It was great.

Well, Spring has finally started to show up around here, so I finally opened the other bedroom back up and moved back in for the night last night. I have two cats, Lily and Gromit, who were thrilled. They've been itching to get back in that room all winter and complaining about it as often as possible. I opened the door last night, cleared off the bed and I don't think either of them left the room unless it was necessary all evening. When I went to go to bed, Gromit curled right up in bed with me and settled in to sleep. Lily did not. I don't know if it was the excitement of having the room back or what, but she spent the better part of the hour between 1 and 2 am throwing herself at the walls, scratching at doorjams, and talking at me very loudly.

I can only take that for so long, so they both got kicked out and I put in some earplugs so I could sleep through complaining kitties throwing themselves at the bedroom door all night.

So between that and majorly sticking my foot in my mouth last night, I'm in a fabulous mood today.

The rest of the week actually has been quite good though. I found out Wednesday that I got a new job, and I start talking transition next week. I'm so ready for a change of pace there, so this is great timing.

In opening up the room last night, I got bit by a spring cleaning bug and started picking up the hibernation mess I created all winter.

And I cast on a Ribbon XBack earlier this week. It won't have the crossed back, but otherwise, it should go as designed. I went down a needle size so hopefully it won't come out too big. Once I get the first ball of ribbon knitted up, I'll slip the tube off the circulars and make sure it's not too snug or too loose.

Still haven't cast on those socks. Nor have I figured out how to type and knit at the same time. At least with row after row of seed stitch, I can set down the tank whenever and pick it right back up again.


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