and it's name is Sock Madness....
I finished the first pair of sock madness socks in record time (for me) today. I got a late start because of the whole Cali trip (which was awesome) and didn't cast on sock #1 until Sunday afternoon. A Lazy day on Monday saw the first sock finished. I cast on and knit the cuff of sock #2 on the redeye flight home Monday night, turned the heel on the bus ride from the airport and finished up the foot Tuesday afternoon and evening closing up the toe after my bedtime around 12:30. Even with my late start, I still managed to complete early enough to make it into the next round so I'm gearing up for round 2's head to head soon.
In addition to knitting an entire pair of socks in three days (as if that weren't enough)... I finished up the first Baudelaire early in the trip and turned the heel on the first Pomotomous on the trip out too. S
o, sock madness still extends beyond the insanity of the competition. The Pomo in 100% merino is squishy and amazing but slow going, the Baud is in Sundara sock yarn, and I'm absolutely adoring knitting with it and the color (denim over purple) is amazing and incredibly rich looking in this pattern. The photos don't do it justice. Plus, it's my first time doing a toe-up sock and I'm enjoying that process as well. However, because the first Pomo is on the needles, I won't be starting the second Baud right away so I can keep a set of size 2's open for future Sock Madness. I have my priorities...